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If your business is facing the following problems, Smart Sale software will be the tool to help solve it quickly and simply:


Smart Sale

Unclear in specifying specialized data

Data modeling according to specific disciplines

Unable to capture information about customers' access to products and services

Summarize the customer experience step-by-step from first contact to successful conversion

Difficult to grasp customer behaviors to adjust the approach    

Easily understand how customers interact with organizations and related relationships through specific transactions

Take time and ineffective to evaluate customers through manual surveys

Quickly with survey support tools

Difficulty for end users in finding products and services suitable for customers 

Easy-to-use end-users with intuitive interviewing tools and product recommendation models.

Taking time to deploy programs, products and services throughout the system of the enterprise   

Simultaneous system-wide synchronization with just one click

Take many steps to roll out marketing campaigns to target groups of customers

Using only one deployment tool

Unable to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns while running

Able to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns while running  

The management apparatus is still cumbersome and overlapping. It takes a lot of time to supervise and promote work in each department

Set up, manage, and monitor the tasks of each department and easily particularize. Make sure to always be on track and ahead of schedule  

Difficulty in understanding customers' consumption and shopping trends to recommend suitable products 

Synthesize and suggest the products that customers are most interested in based on purchase and product usage history  

Taking a long time to statistics, aggregate sales, sales revenue  

Synthesize and report specific sales and revenue figures right during the implementation of marketing campaigns 


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