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5 prominent Marketing trends in the second half of 2024

The second half of 2024 is approaching, bringing with it new changes in the colorful Marketing picture. And to break through in a fiercely competitive market, businesses need to keep up with trends and make appropriate changes and adjustments.

According to Giuseppe Caltabiano, Deputy Director of Marketing at Rock Content: "AI is becoming more than just a support tool, it is becoming the foundation of effective, creative marketing campaigns." In the content below, DTSVN will clarify the trend of using AI in Marketing and some other trends in the second half of 2024.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is creeping into every corner of marketing

Of course, the artificial intelligence revolution is not always smooth sailing, with issues of data security, the complexity of AI systems and the need for highly qualified personnel to Dealing with AI are some of the obstacles that Marketers face.

But even so, the positives still far outweigh the downsides of AI. Artificial intelligence has opened a new door to increase creativity, efficiency, and help personalize marketing campaigns. AI has since become a must-have tool if Marketers want to lead in today's competitive market.


Video occupies an important position

Video will continue to play an important role in businesses' marketing campaigns in the second half of 2024. According to Hubspot's report, up to 86% of Marketers consider video to be indispensable in any campaign, this Do you see the indispensable role of video, especially short videos?

Businesses can use videos to tell stories and introduce products or simply a video capturing images of a product. This will certainly be a great way for you to connect with customers and at the same time convey your message to the audience.

Up to 75% of Marketers said they are willing to use short videos and post them on Tiktok or Reel in their Marketing strategy. Accordingly, they affirm that these platforms are "gold mines" that attract attention as well as influence customers/viewers.


To increase the effectiveness of video for marketing campaigns, businesses need to pay attention to:

  • Understand your customers: Research and see what your customers like to create videos with appropriate content.
  • Use Social: Don't forget to use Tiktok, Instagram Reel, Facebook Reel to post these videos, and reach more audiences.
  • Focus on quality: Videos invested in content and images will attract the attention of many people and reach many potential customers.
  • Use hashtags for posts: In the caption for videos on Tiktok or Meta platforms, you can use additional hashtags to help the video be distributed according to related topics, increasing the number of views for the video.
  • Regularly optimize: For each video, you need to review and evaluate its quality and effectiveness, then make improvements for the following videos..

Combine Influencer Marketing and SEO Marketing

Influencer Marketing and SEO Marketing will continue to be two marketing strategies in the final months of 2024.

Influencer marketing has become a mainstay in today's marketing strategies. Most brands are collaborating with KOLs, KOCs, and content creators in their field to promote sales and increase brand awareness.

This shows that Marketing activities are tending to focus on experts and that KOLs and KOCs are playing a huge role in shaping the way consumers see things and make purchasing decisions.

Besides, SEO is still an important strategy to help businesses succeed on the website channel. Many reports show that optimizing content on search engines is essential, it helps businesses create personalized content, targeting user experience and addressing their needs.


Combining Influencer and SEO allows businesses to leverage the influencer's reputation while still ensuring the content is easy to find and meets the needs of the audience. Surely this will be an important marketing strategy in the second half of 2024 and 2025.

AI-powered branding and personalization

Branding and AI-based personalization go hand in hand to create a more powerful and effective strategy.

Branding is more than just a company logo, a slogan that talks about the company. It's what makes your business special and how it connects with its customers. Up to 80% of Marketers think that a company having a strong brand identity is an important factor to stand out in today's competitive market. A good enough brand will connect customers, make them trust and become loyal customers.


AI is changing the way marketers "talk" to their customers. Accordingly, up to 60% of marketers plan to spend more money on AI to create content with personalized features, this shows the importance of AI in Marketing.

When combining AI-based branding and personalization, businesses will have a more effective marketing plan. By using AI to review data and customer behavior, Marketers can create messages and content that suit their needs and preferences. This will make customers more satisfied and create a feeling that the business is more connected to its customers.

Personalize customer experience to new heights

Personalization is something we talk about a lot and it's an important factor in measuring a brand's success.

Creating a personalized experience for customers is essential. Up to 80% of Marketers think that improving customer experience is a company's top priority because it helps businesses have more loyal customers, better retain customers and improve business efficiency.

One thing that is very important when improving customer experience is personalization. Jobeth Harvey - Manager at Vinomofo said: “The more personalization we get, the better results we get. With the integration of platforms, we have more opportunities to deliver the best omnichannel customer experience.” This shows the importance of using technology to deliver a smooth and personal experience for customers no matter where they interact with your brand.


Listening to customer feedback, understanding their desires through data, and engaging with them across all platforms is the key for Marketers to deliver excellent customer experiences. By focusing on these elements, brands can create a customer journey (CX) that not only meets but exceeds expectations, thereby building loyalty and driving sustainable growth. .


It can be said that Marketing is transforming at breakneck speed and is strongly impacted by changes in technology as well as customer expectations. Hopefully the information about Marketing trends above will be useful to you and serve as a basis for your business to come up with appropriate marketing strategies in the second half of 2024.


Reference source: Summary

Compiled by the DTSVN author group - Digital transformation solutions for the Finance and Banking industry.


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