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Consultant committee

1. Mr Tran Ngoc Anh


10/ 2003 - 07/ 2005 European School of Business (ESB) Reutlingen - Reutlingen University - Germany

• MBA, specialising in international marketing.

09/ 1994 - 02/ 1999 Foreign Trade University - Hanoi - Vietnam

• B.A, Economics


More than 18 years in management positions; 21 years of experience

diversifying with strategy, business and products development; market research,

marketing, customers’ insight analysis, business portfolio management in retail Banking.



2. Mr Vu Thanh Nam

Graduated from University in the Russia  - PhD from Hanoi University of Science and Technology 

Head of Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. 

CTO of Software Company for over 20 years, has chaired many large projects at the Ministry of Finance, Finance Department of Customs, large banks.... 

